Fee Regulation

For Parents


If the Fee Bill (Monthly/Bimonthly) is not received by the parents / guardian on first week of the billing month, the institution's accounts office must be contacted for the issuance of the Fee Bill.


The Challan Form will become invalid on expiry of validity date and unpaid fee will be carried forward in next month as arrears.


If the student fails to pay the Fee Bill by 25th of the next month, his/her name will be struck off from the institution’s strength. In case of readmission, it’ll be mandatory to pay the outstanding fee with applicable surcharges plus readmission fee.


Parents are advised to keep a record of the paid Fee Bills and produce them if required for verification by the institution.


During each academic year, additional charges will be charged on account of ID Card in Jun, Work Sheet in Jun and Dec, Exam Fee in Aug and Feb, Newsletter in Oct and Apr, Magazine in Dec. Late fee fine will be levied @Rs 1000 per month.